Oil Painting Portrait Painting Teen Portrait Landscape Oils Outdoor Painting Watercolor Home Portrait Oil Paint Workshops Adult Drawing Teen Paint Open House Spring Garden Teen Outdoor Paint

Outdoor Painting
Instructor: Allison Payne
What better way to enjoy the Spring than painting outdoors? Kids Outdoor Painting class is a 4-week workshop on how to paint what's in front of them using vibrant acrylic colors. Each Saturday morning we'll meet up at the park, hand out supplies and students will pick out their subject and paint independently with the instructor nearby. At the end of our 4-weeks, students get to keep their portable art boxes!
*Parents/gaurdians are welcome to enjoy the park and supervise their child as they paint if desired.*
Ages 10 and up
Closing Art Show Saturday, May 15th
$70.00 for 4 weeks of instruction
-plus a $15 one time materials fee due to the instructor on the first day of class.
All materials will be provided for a $15 one time materials fee. This class does NOT require the $25 registration fee.
Begins April 10th
Sat 10:00am-11:30pm

Spring Garden Paint
Instructor: Allison Basham Payne
Let's welcome Spring with a Paint Party! We'll paint a colorful array of tulips, daffodils and other Spring garden flowers. This class is step by step, no experience necessary, and afterwards you'll take home your work of art.
$35.00 per participant
Friday, March 26th
All materials included.
Kid's Art Open House
Your kids, 8-12 years of age, are invited to come try out our Thursday Art Class for just a $5 material fee! We have a limited number of seats available to come and enjoy a $5 art class. If your child enjoys the class, they can join the semester class as described above.
Thursday, Jan 7th
4:00-5:30 pm
Thursday, Jan 14th
4:00-5:30 pm

Teen Drawing
Instructor: Allison Payne
This is a great skill-building course with a blend of lessons in 3D forms, character creation for animation, and drawing from life. Students will begin with the basics and then end the course with their own creative project using their acquired skills.
8 weeks of instruction
Begins Aug 3rd
Closing Art Show Sunday, Dec 6th
Mondays 4:00-5:30
$85.00 per month plus a $20 one time materials fee due to the instructor on the first day of class.
All materials will be provided for a materials fee.

Teen Painting
Instructor: Allison Payne
This beginners course is full of diverse exploration in painting. We will start the class with basic painting techniques regarding value, brushwork, color theory and composition, and then jump into various painting projects that will put our techniques to the test.
8 weeks of instruction
Begins Oct 14th
Closing Art Show Sunday, Dec 6th
Wednesdays 4:00-5:30
$85.00 per month plus a $55 one time materials fee due to the instructor on the first day of class.
Please bring photo references and 1 roll of paper towels. All other materials will be provided for a materials fee.

All materials will be provided for a $50 one time materials fee.
Outdoor Painting
Instructor: Allison Payne
This adventurous class is for artists interested in learning how to paint outdoors or “en plein air”. This 5 week course will begin indoors in the studio with a crash course lesson on how to see composition opportunities, tips & tricks for color mixing, along with a quick landscape painting warm-up. We’ll also go over what to expect when painting outdoors, what to pack, and which places we’ll be painting near downtown Maryville. All painting supplies will be provided on site.
$150.00 for 5 weeks of instruction
-plus a $50 one time materials fee due to the instructor on the first day of class.
Begins October 17th
Sat 9:30-11:30am
Oil Painting Workshops
Instructor: Allison Basham Payne
With these three workshops, participants will gain a broad set of painting skills. Each individual course will be $120 for 3 weeks of instruction. Sign up for one course that interests you most, or sign up for all three at a discounted price of $300 for all 9 weeks of instruction. All materials included.

Paint a Landscape - Each student will choose a landscape from a set of pictures and learn different painting techniques and tips each week. You’ll go home with a new understanding of landscape paintings and your very own landscape oil painting.
Begins May 19th
Paint a Portrait - In this class we each choose a portrait from a set of images of famous figures. We first learn how to mix skin tones and how to transfer a traced image to a canvas, then spend the rest of our time painting our fine oil portraits with individualized tips and tricks from the instructor.
Begins March 24th
**You can request your own picture - image must be approved by instructor prior to the start of class**
Mastering Oil Painting - Do you want to improve your painting skills? In this class we will do multiple small painting studies that will explore playful brushstrokes, successful color mixing, and bold composition experiments. Have fun gaining a broader perspective of your “fingerprint” as an artist!
Begins April 21st
Click Add to Cart to choose your workshop.
Teen Drawing
Instructor: Allison Payne
Need allison's description
8 weeks of instruction
Begins Aug 3rd
Closing Art Show Sunday, Dec 6th
Mondays 4:00-5:30
$85.00 per month plus a $20 one time materials fee due to the instructor on the first day of class.
All materials will be provided for a materials fee.

Instructor: Marilyn Dwyer
In this 6 week session, we will try different ways to approach a drawing, take a fresh look at line, shape, value and composition, expand your idea of mark making and review a process for evaluating your work. We will work from still life and photo references. Charcoal and other media will be explored. Individualized instruction as class is limited to eight students.
$140.00 for 6 weeks of instruction plus a one time $25 materials fee due to the instructor on the first day of class.
Photos or reference material that you are familiar with.
All other materials provided for a materials fee.
Begins Oct 1st
Tues 10:00am-12:00pm
Begins Oct 1st
Tues 6:00 - 8:00 pm

Landscape Oil Painting
Instructor: Allison Payne
This introductory class is for artists interested in learning how to paint a variety of landscapes in oil. We will begin with a landscape in black and white to explore the fundamentals of value and natural light in painting. Our classes will then focus on in-depth color theory practice as we tackle colorful landscape compositions. This 6-week course is recommended for those who would like to experiment in oil painting and learn more about color mixing and brushstroke techniques.
Please bring photo references and 1 roll of paper towels. All other materials will be provided for a $50 one time materials fee.
$200.00 for 6 weeks of instruction
-plus a $50 one time materials fee due to the instructor on the first day of class.
Begins August 13th
Tue 6:00 - 8:00 pm

Portrait Oil Painting
Instructor: Allison Payne
This introductory class is for artists interested in learning how to create a portrait, one of the most challenging and rewarding art subjects to study. In the first couple classes, we will create drawings and painting sketches that explore the fundamental anatomy of the face. Our class will then focus on in-depth color theory practice regarding skin tones and lighting. This 6-week course is recommended for those who have some painting experience, whether in acrylics, oils, or watercolors.
$220.00 for 6 weeks of instruction
-plus a $50 one time materials fee due to the instructor on the first day of class.
Begins March 21st
Thur 6:00 - 8:00 pm
Please bring photo references and 1 roll of paper towels. All other materials will be provided for a $50 one time materials fee.

Oil Painting
Instructor: Allison Payne
This 6-week course is great for beginners and those who may have experience in oil painting but would like to refine their technique. We will explore new elements of oil painting every week, beginning with value and making our way towards fine art compositions. We will be working from still life displays and reference photos.
$150.00 for 6 weeks of instruction
-plus a $50 one time materials fee due to the instructor on the first day of class.
Please bring photo references and 1 roll of paper towels. All other materials will be provided for a $50 one time materials fee.
Begins Jan 7th
Mon 6:00 - 8:00 pm

All materials provided for a materials fee.
Teen Portrait Painting
Instructor: Allison Payne
In this 6-week workshop, we'll learn how to create realistic portraits starting with the proportions and anatomy of the head, then learn how to draw accurately from a reference photo. Our first quick portrait will be monotone to practice value and brushwork. The second portait we'll use a limited color palette to practice skin tones. And finally we'll tackle a large scale portrait in full color, putting our techniques to the test.
6 weeks of instruction
$100.00 plus a $50 one time materials fee due to the instructor on the first day of class.
Mondays beginning
April 15th
4:00 - 5:30pm

Instructor: Marilyn Dwyer
Choose a morning or evening class. In this 6 week class, we will take a fresh look look at line, shape, texture, value and composition. Find your approach to drawing and your unique expressive style through the study of still lifes and photographs. Not intimidating for beginners. Individualized instruction. Charcoal and other media will be explored.
$140.00 for 6 weeks of instruction plus a one time $25 materials fee due to the instructor on the first day of class.
Photos or reference material that you are familiar with.
All other materials provided for a materials fee.